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Rose-Hulman’s AskRose Homework Help:
Earlier Hours Now Available!

Rose-Hulman’s AskRose Homework Help is excited to announce that earlier hours are now available!
We are offering Tutoring by Appointment from 3:30p.m. – 5:10 p.m., Mondays – Thursdays. 
Students can sign up for a 20-minute appointment with a tutor by visiting our web site and completing a simple form, including their phone number, so that a tutor can call them.  The appointment times will be given out on a “first come, first served” basis. 
The direct link is 
To navigate, from the top menu click on “Student Resources,” and it will show a dropdown menu that has appointments on it. Students can reserve 1 appointment at a time. 
And, of course, students may also still call, chat, or email to get math and science homework help
Monday-Thursday, 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. by contacting 877-AskRose (877-275-7673) or

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